Flying Colors Mosaics
Studio # 204

In every heart, there is a room, a sanctuary safe and strong. Billy Joel

Flying Colors Mosaics is a sacred space to practice the ancient art of mosaics as a way of cultivating a more soulful, creative way of life. We chose the spiral, often called the “curve of life” as a symbol of our creative inspiration because it appears throughout the natural world and conveys a sense of the ongoing growth and unfolding of creativity in our world. Throughout the year, we open the studio to small “contemplative creativity” gatherings centered around a sacred symbol which carries timeless meaning and seasonal significance. We also hold weekly classes and open studio hours. If you are interested in classes or open studio hours or if you are interested in arranging or attending a contemplative creativity gathering, please contact Dina at .We offer the labyrinth on the floor of the studio as an invitation to quiet the heart and be present to one's creative inner spark and unfolding life journey.
All the arts we practice are apprenticeship.
The big art is our life.
- M.C. Richards
Dina Troen-Krasnow