Welcome to the online presentation of Marvin Sweet & Friends: A Celebration. Please walk through the gallery, peruse the show and share it with your friends. We hope that you will get a feel for what it was like to be in the gallery among the work, the tributes and Marvin's friends.
Unless marked SOLD or NFS, all work is for sale with a percentage of the sales price being donated to the American Heart Association in honor and in memory of our friend Marvin. To make a purchase or for any inquiry please contact The Potters Shop & School at 781.449.7687 or Pottersshop@aol.com
This presentation will remain online indefinitely. Enjoy your visit,,,

Curators Statement
Marvin Sweet & Friends: A Celebration, brings together sixteen of Marvin’s friends, who, through their work and words, share their remembrances and friendship with Marvin with you. This exhibition is heartfelt,
emotional—a personal convergence of creativity, expression and love for our dear friend.
A few years after Marvin’s passing, Steven approached Catherine with the idea for this exhibition. The timing
wasn’t right and the idea was left to percolate until eighteen months ago when the three of us got together,
worked out the concept and details, and assembled the group of artists.
Each friend was invited to submit a piece or two of their own work and an object or expression as a tribute to
Marvin; a photo, another piece of their art, a piece of art from their collection, something that reminded them of
their unique relationship with Marvin. Each Tribute Piece is accompanied by a Tribute Narrative. The show’s
installation reveals a central collection of Marvin’s work, surrounded by the work of Marvin’s friends, as if
cradling his memory in symbolic loving commentary, The artists, as a further testament to their friendship, are donating a portion of the sales of their work to the American Heart Association in memory of Marvin. The Gorse Mill Gallery has also generously waived all sales commissions, gallery fees and exhibition preparation costs.
We hope that after viewing Marvin Sweet & Friends: A Celebration, and reading our Tributes, that those of you
who are meeting Marvin for the first time, will get to know him, understand how he touched our lives and why
we are honored to call him a friend.
With love to all,
Steven Branfman
Ellen Schön
Catherine Jason
September 14, 2018
A Tribute to Marvin Sweet
Marvin Sweet was an inspiring ceramicist, teacher, and writer. I had the privilege of working with
him for a number of years at Bradford College and St. Anselm College. His untimely death in 2010 was
difficult and sad for many. This memorial exhibit is a meaningful way to honor his many contributions to
our world. The following words are a tribute to his creative work and the lasting legacy he has left in the
world of art, and education.
Marvin received his BA from Hawthorne College in Antrim, NH in 1974, and his MFA, Summa Cum
Laude, from Boston University in 1984. He worked as a professor of Ceramics at a variety of places
including Bradford College, where he received the Professor of the Year Award in 1993; The Art Institute
of Boston at Lesley University; the University of New Hampshire; and Saint Anselm College in Manchester,
NH. At St. Anselm College where I served as Chair of the Fine Arts Department for many years, Marvin
created the college’s Ceramics program, which has continued, inspired by his initial work. Marvin was not
only a gifted ceramicist, creating both functional ceramic works and creative sculptural ceramic objects,
but also he was an inspiring teacher for many students. Besides conducting interesting and very
instructive courses, he also spent much individual time with students. Although he only taught part-time
at St. Anselm College, he devoted much extra time to students and running the Ceramics studio area.
Besides teaching, Marvin was also a guest speaker, artist, and juror at a number of museums,
galleries, and conferences throughout his productive career, including such places as the Ceramics
program of the Office of the Arts at Harvard University; the University of Colorado; the University of
Denver; the Denver Art Museum; the University of California at Berkeley; Montgomery College; the
Boston Fine Arts Museum; the Art Complex Museum in Duxbury, MA; Holter Museum of Art in Helena,
MT; Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing ,China; Jingdezhen Ceramics Art Academy in Jingdezhen,
China; Bermuda National Gallery in Hamilton, Bermuda;; and the Taipei Art Center in Taipei, Taiwan. In
2009 the Thayer Art Gallery in Braintree, MA, hosted a significant show of Marvin’s work: “Marvin Sweet: A Survey- 25 Years in Ceramics”. He also exhibited his work at St. Anselm College. I feel most fortunate to have a beautiful teapot that he created for me, with a special note written into the clay work on the top:
“ Kathy’s Tea”. Other places Marvin exhibited his work included: Texas A & M University; Rochester
Institute of Technology; Concordia College, in Ann Arbor, MI; and the Farrell Collection in Washington,
Related to his interest in Chinese ceramics, Marvin traveled extensively in China and was the
author of a number of articles related to artistic influences that have existed between Eastern and
Western cultures. During his career he put together an impressive collection of Chinese scholar art, which
included scholar’s rocks, root art, and other objects used on the scholar’ table, as well as approximately
two-hundred Yixing teapots which dated from the 18th century to the early 21st century. His collection
served as the basis for his book, The Yixing Effect: Echoes of the Chinese Scholar, which was presented by
President Hu Jintao of the People’s Republic of China as a cultural exchange gift to Yale University for its
permanent collection. Marvin was also the author of a number of articles that appeared in a variety of
publications including “Ceramics Monthly Magazine,” and catalogue entries for various ceramics exhibits.
Marvin’s creative spirit, and love of both teaching and learning, will continue to have an impact on
many, as evidenced with the mounting of this memorial exhibition. Marvin’s work may, in many ways,
illustrate what the famous artist, Pablo Picasso, also noted for his ceramics work, wrote, “ Art washes
from the soul the dust of everyday life, “ and what the well-known sculptor, Henry Moore, wrote,
“ To be an artist is to believe in life”.
Dr. Katherine Hoffman
Professor, Fine Arts Department
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, NH 03102 USA

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Artists Statements and Bios