GMS Gallery Archives

Alejandro Fischer Cárdenas
Exhibition Dates:
July 1 to August 31, 2015
My work tends to focus on the psychiatry and language of overcoming the obstacles that help us understand our human and spiritual nature.
As a figurative artist, drawing has always been the foundation and backbone of my artistic vision. I constantly draw and paint the human figure and the natural world in search for new forms of expression. I will continue along this path as I continue to work within the tradition known for its commitment to draftsmanship and line.
My influences are first and foremost a mix of a Latin American and European upbringing along with their art and culture. There is also a strong American influence after spending over twenty years in the United States. Having lived in Colombia, Germany and now in Boston I find myself bringing together all these fragments of my life to give birth to the new series of work.
Unity & Fragmentation Series
These works are semi-abstract landscape paintings created firstly as complete abstract pieces. I methodically work on the abstractions to achieve a somewhat recognizable space where realism begins to emerge from the chaos. The painting process is parallel to the way we find reasonable answers through life experiences.
River Series
Just as a river that crosses through a city brings life to the city, in this series the river reflects the life from within and appears as a source of life in the middle of a chaotic intersection of worlds.
Physiognomic Portraits
This series of small format oil paintings explores the subconscious mind. They originated after a study of F.Z. Messerschmidt's late sculptures and a series of quickly executed charcoal drawings made from imagination. Through these portraits I explore the way deep emotions shape our character.